Di Germar Rudolf, 17 febbraio 2018
Amazon è il più grande rivenditore di libri del mondo. Intercetta circa il 50% delle vendite di libri negli Stati Uniti e domina anche diversi mercati all’estero. In conformità alla dichiarazione del 1998 del fondatore di Amazon Jeff Bezos di offrire “il buono, il cattivo e il brutto”, i clienti un tempo potevano comprare qualunque libro fosse in stampa e che fosse legale vendere.
Tutto ciò è cambiato il 6 marzo 2017, quando Amazon ha messo al bando più di 100 libri che esprimono punti di vista non conformi sull’Olocausto, dopo aver subito la pressione di gruppi lobbistici ebraici che da anni chiedevano di agire in tal modo. Se Amazon aveva ignorato questi gruppi lobbistici negli anni precedenti, le cose sono andate in modo differente agli inizi del 2017. All’epoca, vennero inoltrati messaggi che minacciavano l’uso di bombe a sinagoghe e a centri comunitari ebraici negli Stati Uniti, e tre cimiteri ebraici vennero devastati, o almeno così ci venne detto. Sebbene non vi siano legami tra la ricerca storica iconoclasta e atti antiebraici, il Centro dell’Olocausto Yad Vashem di Israele prese questi atti come pretesto per spingere Amazon a dismettere i libri di storia che gli erano sgraditi. I mass media sono stati lesti ad unirsi a questa campagna, e Amazon prontamente ci è cascato, ripulendo i suoi siti da tutte le ricerche revisioniste dell’Olocausto.
Nello stesso tempo, è emerso che quei cimiteri non erano stati affatto devastati e poche settimane dopo, in un sorprendente svolgimento degli eventi, i mass media hanno persino rivelato che quelle sinistre minacce di bombe non venivano da squilibrati neo-nazisti ma da un ebreo israeliano. Tuttavia, dopo questa iniziativa dello Yad Vashem, Amazon ha continuato a cancellare dai propri elenchi ogni libro di storia che i gruppi lobbistici ebraici disapprovano. Eppure, la letteratura antisemita e neonazista può essere ancora acquistata lì …
Questo documentario rivela come le pubblicazioni revisioniste che hanno conseguito importanti risultati archivistici e forensi siano diventate così convincenti nel corso degli anni che i poteri costituiti sono ricorsi a quella che è ovviamente una sporca operazione sotto falsa bandiera in modo da far mettere al bando per sempre questi libri dal più grande rivenditore di libri. Guardatelo e siate sopresi e inorriditi …
[1] Traduzione di Andrea Carancini. Il testo originale è disponibile all’indirizzo:
Il mio commento che feci a marzo 2017 al seguente articolo:
“Amazon Bans ‘Holocaust Denial’, shreds and incinerates thousands of books”
by Lasha Darkmoon, eccolo arriva!!
Dear Miss Lasha Darkmoon,
no surprise at all that Amazon has just started to ban thousands of books about the so called ‘Holocaust Denial’!!
Why no suprise at all?
Hare are 3 main reasons:
1) Jeff Bezos is making huge businesses with Israel !!!
Israeli staff were also employed in planning the architecture for cloud services, which provides shared computer processing resources and data to paying customers on demand. Amazon’s operations have been scattered between Annapurna’s office in Yokne’am, Haifa and Ramat Gan.
In addition, Amazon contracted with state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries to upgrade the Boeing 767S jets it will be using for Prime Air, a cargo airline and drone-based delivery system the U.S. company has currently in development……..
For the complete article, type on google:
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Quietly Visits Israel Ahead of Major Hiring Drive
2) “How the Israeli Lobby Works in the United States”
One of the most influential lobbying groups in America, it is often argued that no politician can be elected into office without AIPAC’s support. No president can take the White House without affirming unbreakable allegiance to Israel, and attendance at the annual AIPAC meeting is mandatory. Once in office every member of Congress is expected to act, vote and defend the state of Israel on almost every issue, or face the consequences.
Originally called the American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs, the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was an offshoot of the American Zionist Council, changing names in 1963. With a sole purpose to advocate for the state of Israel, AIPAC ought to be listed with the US government as a Foreign Agent; instead, the Committee continually denies receiving any funds from Israel.
What are AIPAC’s tactics? How do they get away with controlling so much of government of the United States, and thus veto power at the United Nation? Several years ago, I found out how AIPAC worked, directly………
For the complete article, type on google:
How the Israeli Lobby Works in the United States
PS lot of very interesting stuff about this issue can be also found on “If Americans Knew”….!!
3) He bought the “Washington Post” which was ( and still is!! ) just a pro AIPAC newspaper!!
More info on:
In conclusion, Jeff Bezos is making huge businesses with Israel in which there are lot of money at stake, the Israel lobby is super powerful ( to say the least!! ) in the United States, he bought a famous American newspaper which has always been pro Israel, hence, the recent fact that Amazon has just started to ban thousands of books about the so called ‘Holocaust Denial” is just a consequence, nothing else, only a consequence!!!!!
All the best!
Fabrice, greetings from Italy.
Fonte, mio post al seguente articolo:
Cordiali saluti.
Di seguito, una Lectio Magistralis!!
“Most of the mass atrocities known to history have their “maximal versions” and “minimal versions.” For example, some say over 100 million Native Americans were killed, largely with intentionality (and culpability); others revise that down to 10 million and say it was mostly “accidental and non-culpable” (non-intentionally-spread disease being the main killer). There are also maximal and minimal interpretations of the African slave trade holocaust, the Armenian alleged genocide, Stalin’s holocausts, the “American holocaust” referenced by William Blum, Andre Vltchek and Noam Chomsky, Japanese war crimes during WWII, Allied crimes against Germans, British crimes against the Irish, the British holocaust against India during WWII, and so on. Yet in none of these cases does anyone even argue for the suppression of books featuring minimalist interpretations. The million dollar question is: What is so special about what the Germans did to the Jews that it deserves such special treatment? The answer is that to many Jews, perhaps the majority, the Holocaust has become a new, fanatical, fundamentalist religious cult. And these Jews are so absurdly over-represented in positions of power that they can foist their insane cult on the rest of us. Sorry to be so blunt, but that is the UNDENIABLE truth”
by Kevin Barrett for VeteransToday
Cordiali saluti.